Tuesday, May 12, 2009

West Coast Style

So I was explaining a term I used today, the term being "Bro-ham", which I suppose in a traditional spelling would be "brougham", though the meaning is different than 'carriage'. Anyway, Bro-hams I consider to be the appropriate term to use when describing a American West Coast Townie.

You knows townies right? There the people you see in bar scenes in movies that take place in the mid west. They wear shit kickers and cowboy hats, drink bear and have truck nutz. they're the people in the movie that get inevitably beat the fuck up in the bar fight, like cannon fodder for whoever the tough guy is. They're a little less idiotic than rednecks, but not by much, they are simply local people who never got out of town and have drunk their few good brain cells away. Well the term Townie only really works on those people, on the West Coast we need an entirely different term because although the mental acuity is identical, the physical description is different.

Thus I use Bro-ham, or Bra-ham, these gentleman wear dickies or board shorts, are deeply tanned and wear sunglasses at all hours. They hang out at all the "local" bars and eateries, instead of working on a farm and drinking they surf and drink. Also intriguingly enough is that Bro-hams are very age exclusive. You can get a 40 something Townie, but Bro-hams kind of fizzle out around 30. They lower their trucks, ditch the board except maybe on weekends and work as a middle manager at a kinkos. The interesting thing however is that movies still will use townies in bar scenes in west coast locales, when the reality is that our seedy bars don't have townies usually, just washed up hipsters there for ambiance.

So if you go to Dukes and there a guy with sun bleached hair, no shirt and sun glasses, with a shit eating grin...he's a Bro-ham.

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