there are another two parts to this, this is the middle, this is important. Then again you probably all already know this, you've probably seen it and are nodding along. If not you need to watch it and then see if you can prowl around youtube for a clip of Cramers show 'Mad Money', wherein he plays an apoplectic moron who tells you what to do with your money.
I loved the interview, I have held a very specific contempt for Cramer since I saw him on TV about a year ago, he just seemed like an asshat, well lo and behold. This is how the stock market works, there are people like Cramer, and the people he talks to in private, then there's you, the people reading this. I doubt anyone that will ever read this makes an income sizable enough to qualify as a person who has Cramer's ear. So the reality is that although he tells us (him and most other guru's) what to do with our money, he really only cares about netting a profit for that tiny percentage who already have all the money any one of us would ever need. He was taking us on a ride, where the bubble never bursts and if you keep putting money into these companies and this system you will always come out on top, the truth is that he didn't care when actual economists, who potentially cared about the world market said "We are driving off the cliff, stop it."
So it now falls to Stewart to bring it up. I think that things have been going along now for so long, just getting brushed off by the actual news agencies that are supposed to be watchdogs , that Stewart feels compelled to start tackling them. How sad is that? Stewart, a comedian, who seems to relish his job is forced to play actual journalist because the real ones are all out to pasture. Stewart is the only whistle blower anyone can hear anymore, because anyone else who does it has to go through the press and the press just don't care.
The last thirty years have seen the death of American journalism. Think about it, there was a time when guys like Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward were digging around letting people know that shit had gone south. Now who tells you anything? When was the last time anyone dug up anything and saw it printed where anyone could see it? Where you aware that Senate republicans were using tax payer money to purchase elaborate mansions with television studios and printing presses inside so they could make propaganda for the party? Did you know that when you see a news report about some item or concept (new drug, new kind of agricultural practice) and the anchor doesn't appear to be with that station, that it is actually an advertisement bought by the company being reviewed, to make consumers believe the product is good or bad for them. That is a commercial being passed off as news, that isn't something that weighs the pros and cons, it's tests made and geared towards making their product sound good. Were you guys aware that we are in a war to keep telecoms from controlling the Internet and determining just how much of it you can use during given hours? What about the whole "new great depression"? Did you ever think that the people who keep saying this are the same people who would make a killing if it happened? Or heck how about the struggle between Republicans and Democrats in government. The news paints the picture of this epic clash of beliefs between two well manned parties, vying desperately for public support, every day a struggle to see who can convince the American public that they have the right plan. It's not fucking happening! If you look at a mesh of statistics it says one thing and one thing only, maybe 20% of people in the country give a rats ass about the republican party anymore, everyone else either doesn't care either way or supports the Presidents plans. So why then is the media pretending that "Claire" from Muskogee is upset with plans to improve education, and that she represents a growing trend provided by the Heritage Foundation (group of conservative fuckers who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire). It doesn't exist, there is no competition anymore, nor is there any semblance of a need for bipartisanship!
So the question remains, is Jon Stewart the only person of importance who will start telling America the truth about the people who they're supposed to trust with their lives and livelihood?
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