So today we start on March 19th 1279 MONGOLIA!

Wherein our brave yak herders defeat the depressing Song dynasty at the battle of Yamen. Nobody cared...except the Chinese.
In 1863 a Confederate cruiser Georgiana is sunk on her maiden voyage. In her hold is literally the economic future of the South. Valued at around $1,000,000 at the time the South throws up their hands and asks "What next?" (For those of you who want a clue the answer rhymes with 'Rickett's Barge')
1915, Pluto is photographed, but is still not acknowledged as a planet. Looking back a history post or two ago reveals the secret date that the Freemason's and Illuminati selected as the birth of their planet-not-planet's admittance date into the pantheon of shitty space debris larger than a football field.
1916 America launches its first ever air combat operation, the target, that crazy bitch Pancho Villa. Villa escapes and goes on to be remembered as a cool guy, primarily because he hung out (robbed) with white people every once in a while. The actual cool Mexican revolutionary is Zapata, and everyone should know it.
1918, the U.S. approves of time zones (makes sense) and daylight savings times (fuck you). It makes you wonder just how the hell you set your watch in the past.
1920, We reject the Treaty of Versailles again, because hey, maybe World War 1 was everyone's fault right? (The Treaty of Versailles being the document created by the victors of the war, stating in no uncertain terms that Germany was to be Europe's bitch for all eternity, and that every German male had to be kicked in the nuts at least once by a Frenchmen or he would buried alive in Verdun. Naturally when tempers cooled and Germany still had some hard feelings about the economic catastrophe such brutal reparations unleashed on them they started invading places...

Good job Triple Entente :(
In 1921, from what appears to be "This Day in WTF!?" some Italian fascists are riding a train through Slovenia and decide to shoot at some kids like they're Buffalo. Two are killed, two mangled, and three wounded, the local Indian tribe mourned because the Italians didn't use the whole body.
1931, gambling legalized in Nevada, intelligent few prefer to stay at home and flush their money down a toilet instead.
1941, the Tuskegee Airmen are activated. This being an all black unit in the air army corp.
In 1945 Hitler orders all industry, shops, military installations...pretty much everything you see when you look out a door to be demolished in light of the approaching allies.
OH SHIT! In 1965, the Georgiana (sunk earlier in this post) is rediscovered with its cargo intact and soggy. Modern estimates (a la 1965) puts the cargo at a worth of $50,000,000.
In 1978 the UN politely asks Israel to leave Lebanon and stop blowing up their shit. Israel complies and the UN sends a force to act as a human shield between Israel and its neighbor.
1979, C-SPAN is put on air! WOOOOO!!! For those of you who aren't in the "know" C-SPAN is basically a live feed of Washington D.C. and all the crusty old White People who work there. If you've ever wanted to see an inauguration or senate hearing and not have Fox News' pundits trying to tell you what to think go here. You'll also get to see full comments from Senators and Congress people instead of insta blurbs edited for dramatic effect.
1982 Argentina lands some troops on South Georgia Island, forcing England into war. Happy "Beginning of the Falklands War" everyone!
1987, Jerry Falwell, the ignorant fucker that he is, takes over the Christian organization PTL, after its former leader leaves due to...SHOCK! SURPRISE! a sex scandal.
2003, President George W. Bush (Or Dubya as the cool kids call him, I prefer Ass Goblin) tells the American public, that we will be invading the hell out Iraq. His reasons include...
1. Lies he made up
2. Lies Cheney made up
3. Lies the CIA made up
4. Lies Collin Powell was told to tell to the UN
5. "I just don't like 'em"
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