Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In These Days of Evil Presidente...

I would rather like to see that one or two pay their due. I am speaking of course that at this juncture it has become pretty clear that the United States (since 9/11) has been under something akin to a dictatorship of the executive. I mean seriously how can you ignore it at this point, or wax complacent about "moving forward". When the executive of the U.S. and his associates actively work in collusion to remove opposition from the judicial branch, and the legislative is just a bunch of morons then we have a serious issue that needs serious repercussions.

I mean for fucks sake the President was actively trying to claim the 1st amendment wasn't applicable to modern war efforts. Our constitution is our countries source of direction and trying to circumvent that to wield powers over the country seems a tad bit treasonous.

Now I am a big fan of Nixon getting forced out of office by Watergate, but in my opinion it didn't gor far enough, he needed to be put on trial like a regular criminal. After America let Nixon go and deigned to move forward we opened up the option of pushing the limits on government abuse of power, because what could you do that would get you arrested? Well, it looks as though the answer is anything. I know a bunch of people in this country want Bush and every other skull fucker responsible for the last eight years to get put away and charged for all of their evil, but they won't. Now naturally if you or I did any of these things, or plotted to do them in basements, wearing beards and quoting scripture from any other source besides the bible we would be found and prosecuted. However since this man did it in broad daylight as our elected leader he gets a "get outta jail free" card. Think about it, are you pissed off? Yes, what are you gonna do about it, I wrote to my congressmen and senators, they said they wanted to move forward instead of looking back. Heh,heh. Well if I commit a crime now and no one knows until I'm 80 and everyone involved is dead, I still get tried and could go to jail, so I think that it's only fair that someone who commited crimes up to four weeks ago should, I don't know, GO TO FUCKING PRISON! So now what? I've done my civic part, but it didn't matter because even if we all wrote in and complained the government doesn't give a shit, because it's not as though we would actually rise up and slay them for being pricks. What the hell do we have to do as a nation to say, well, in spite of our learned friends from the deep south the rest of the country would like to make sure the terrorists don't win, by trying the dudes who are responsible for making us live in abject fear.

Also, none of that well in this country the first amendment allows you to say that, which is better than some other countries. FUCK YOU! The "Prez" tried to fucking abolish it, the fucker tried to get rid of it you assholes! If you don't actually hold the government responsible for their activities you are complacent in the crimes just as much as they are. Rush Limbaugh, die in a fire.

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