1865, Forgot to mention but yesterday Robert E. Lee surrendered his troops at Appomattox court house. Today however is the day he last addressed his soldiers. I picture the two events like this...
1912, OH SHIT! The Titanic leaves Southampton to go and see New York. I wonder what will be in store for them?
1919, Emiliano Zapata is shot dead by Government agents in Morelos. This marks the beginning of a trend in Mexican film making where the brave Robin hood type is gunned down battling the corrupt government.
1925, The Great Gatsby is published for the first time, in New York. Two weeks later it is required reading for all High School freshmen.
1970, Paul McCartney announces that the Beatles are splitting up, Death excitedly begins sharpening his scythe.
Also, in the holiday section of the post today is "Good Friday" the supposed day Jesus was crucified on Golgotha. What makes this a "Good" day I can hardly guess.
I had to do that! It was just sitting there on Wikipedia for gosh sakes. I'm not made of stone!
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