Simple as that, I am waiting for the shooting, or the bill getting passed, or the soldiers on street corners, to let me know it's time to grab my clubs and torches and start manning the barricades. Seriously, I am waiting, with nervous energy for the switch to flip and for me and other well mannered people to throw our chairs and crockery through the windows and tear down the state. What the fuck America? Do you have any idea how completely insane it sounds to suggest that four years ago I was otherwise content in the country, albeit looking forward to elections, but that now I am nearly an anarchist? I have seen through the pall of this insidious planets grimy slithering underbelly, I have personally inspected each of the bacteria designed to kill me in its toothy jaws, the whole worlds turned into a god damned Komodo Dragon and all I want to do is bash its head in with an oar!
>Lets all see if I can get you to the point I'm at, because frankly it's getting lonely for the brick bats to go flying.
First off, lets talk about Airstrip One, or as it was formerly called England. Our friends over the pond have gone completely off the deep end when it comes to powers of the state to monitor and remove you form your rights. England is a country I love more than most people, and to see it in this state is outrageous. For example, the CCTV cameras they have everywhere, they're designed to protect you right? Wrong, stockpiling huge amounts of recorded video footage of you going about your business doesn't make all the thieves and murderers go away, in fact I would guess it probably has made them work harder to avoid detection.
So this constant monitoring of citizens was the first step right? Next step is England's database of DNA. They keep a crime suspects DNA forever, so if I was put in custody of the police for a suspected murder, even if I was innocent, my DNA goes on file to be matched at any point in the future to possible crimes. Further this goes for any infraction, save perhaps for parking tickets or jaywalking, but Christ knows they could find a loophole.
How do we top having everyone's DNA on record, oh I know, lets try and make everyone carry "papers" to identify themselves when traveling around the country. these papers contain RFID chips, which contain all your personal info, like Social Security and stuff like that. They can also be used as trackers, oh yeah and for maybe 200 bucks I can build a device that would allow me to scan the info right off it without you even seeing me, I just have to be nearby. This way when I commit a crime I'll be sure to use your identity.
It never ends does it? NO! FUCK! Besides this there have been attempts to pass laws to make it illegal to photograph police officers, or the cameras watching everyone at all hours. Try going to park and photographing slice of life stuff, you'll get tossed on your ear by the constabulary for being a paedophile. England at this point is so terrified of paedophiles that it has actually pressed charges against photographers for photographing empty swings, as though the essence of a child was there, and the photographing thereof caused the children who had used the swing to be molested from a distance. Madness!
No, THIS IS ENGLAND!!! Lets keep going with England, fuckin' hell I haven't even gotten to America yet! HAHA! Beyond this there's also this crushing paranoia about teenagers. Teens are forming gangs and engaging in Lord of the Flies esque crime sprees. this is an actual problem, so what is England's plan, rather than deal with the roots cause, a problem with the societal structures they're dumped into they instead opt to criminalize youth. Buzzers are placed around shopping centers, emitting a high pitched whistle only teens can here (utter bollocks though as the frequency is quite noticeable to anyone with good ears). To keep them from loitering they've put special stairs in to make it harder to sit on them. They want to put pink lights to enhance the presence of acne on them so they will feel bad about their appearance and go home. They made an ordnance, that was labeled for 16's and under, but which contained descriptive language that broadened the definition of the particular section to mean 'anyone'. The ordnance in question states that if a officer sees you in a group of two or more, and he has reason to suspect that you could be a disturbance, or a nuisance to another person in the area, he can ask you to split up and not return to the area for 24 hours. Sure you could use this on knife wielding lunatic kids, or if some loon with a chip on his shoulder tells the officer you and your girlfriend make him nervous, it states that the officer needs to go and split you two up. Good fuckin' luck England! Guess what, hope you don't try to organize an overnight protest of government in England, once the curfew kicks in your asses are in Black Mariah's headed for the prison ship to Australia, where they'll control all your Internet to protect you from dissent towards the government.
Oh yeah, if you think that because this is happening in England it's not our problem

It's a global problem! The German police are kickin' down doors on alleged 'searches' for child pornographers, you know who they're actually arresting? Political activist bloggers. Ever heard of wikileaks? Wikileaks is a website where whistle blowers from around the world can hand in secret documents that affect the lives of millions but are classified for spurious reasons. National security my ass! Well one of the founders just got taken in by these raids for possessing a list of banned sites from the upcoming Firewall that will descending over Australia shortly. Guess what this list contains lots of sites that have zilch to do with illegal pornography. There's a website for a tour bus company, that happens to have a pick up stop in the same area as an adult book store. This is not mentioned on the tour bus company's site. This means that they are banning this site because they are doing something that is offline and not a crime, because last time I checked, sex shops in Australia weren't outlawed, not that I check that often, but apparently in the world we live in I have to know what my rights are in every god damned shit hole fascist state that's sprung up on this spinning cesspool.
So we've got those fuckers, naturally France wants all sorts of awful things when it comes to the Internet. Realistically if you spin the globe and put your finger down, if the country isn't third world, it's well on its way to a 1984 style mad house.
Now lets get on America's case.
Read The Big Takeover, by Matt Taibbi. It's not a book it's available online from Rolling Stone, here's a link you've finished, I mean really finished, you should be ready to explode with indignation and rage at our whole structure of government, wealth, pretty much everything. In this article Taibbi basically points back to sniveling cocksucker named Joseph Cassano, who worked at AIG and pretty much started the ball rolling on destroying all existence as we understand it.

There's the little prick now, peekin' out around an office building, hoping no one's realized that he is Shiva Destroyer of Worlds. So if you see this guy, punch him, punch his miserable near sighted face for every dollar he fucked away for his tenure at AIG.
So basically, we live in country, where the whole branch of the government that is designed to protect us from the little ghouls, is run by these little fuckin' ghouls! Oh, and guess what, the Fed can do whatever the fuck it wants, and not face any inquiry from anybody, so fuck you government, sorry all the seats here at the fed are filled with ex-Goldman-Sachs employees, who happen to be bailing out all the fuckers they're friends with. Hey motherfuckers, I spent some money less than wisely once, give me a check you pencil necked knuckle dragging corpse fuckers! Jesus Christ, you have to read that article, so you can run on just undiluted rage, it's like drinking rocket fuel for God's sakes, being so angry at the entire civilization you live in that you would willingly burn down everything associated with it if it meant you could get a little change.

Yeah that's right Barry, I knwo you're all about change and hope and crap, but I think we could really use some help right about now. So far you've been nice repealing a few stupid things W. did, but when it comes to this skullfuckery. Where the hell are you on it? Just going to keep agreeing that AIG and every other parasitic ass lancing worm out there needs a handout because they're too big to fail? Come on man, I don't care if you get impeached the next day, you get on the TV and tell the public exactly what's going down and close with a "so do what you think you gotta do." at which point you will be lead off stage and thrown out of the public light forever, but then again 'we the people' would probably rise up within the week anyway, so if the civil war works out I'm sure your act of bravery would get you re-elected. Then again Barry, I'm runnin' out of patience, and slowly but surely people are going to start figuring out what kind of clusterfuck this is, and they are not going to be happy.
Also, seriously with the whole marijuana thing, I'm not even a drug user and I know how retarded the war on drugs is, hope you got a cool shot glass from some dive bar in TJ as a thank you from whatever cartel leader asked you not to stop the good times for him.
So there, I am all raged out, which means I'm going into a coma rage. Read that damned article and get back to me, you don't have to get all of it, you just have to be able to reach the end and be holding enough strings of understanding together to say "We are all fucking doomed!"
Oh yeah, lest I fuckin' forget...